Super Yield

Super Yield

Cytocell is a combination of Salicylic Acid and VitaminB3. This combination helps in promoting the lateralgrowth of the plants by reducing apical dominance.Cytocell also helps in cell division and increases the plantsmetabolism to produce more food. This energy is divertedto the more important functions of reproduction therebyincreasing Flowering, pollen tube formation andconversion to Fruits. Cytocell is recommended to be usedduring the branching and reproductive stages of the plant’slife cycle. Salicylic acid also helps in increasing plants tolerance to wet weather conditions and diseases. Whenused in conjunction with Formula 1 it enhances the plantsFlowering and fruit bearing capacity.


2 ml Glass Ampoule

Stage Wise Recommended Application


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What's Unique ?

Cytocell Formulation is a unique combination that helpsin the lateral growth and reproductive processenhancement. There are less known biochemicals thatcan reduce apical dominance and divert energy forreproduction. Offered in 2 ml glass ampoule it helps inreducing the use of solvents thereby reducing carbonfootprint. It also offers a perfectly measured dose so thatthe results are uniform every time.


Lateral Growth

Cytocell helps in reducing apical dominanceand diverting energy towards lateral growthof the plants. More branches make the plantbushier and increases the no of buds that canyield more owers and fruits.

Enhanced Reproduction

Cytocell helps in reducing apical dominanceand diverting energy towards lateral growthof the plants. More branches make the plantbushier and increases the no of buds that canyield more Flowers and fruits with reduced dropping.

Immunity Boost

Salicylic acid helps in boosting the immunityof plants and increase disease resistancecapacity. Plants can tolerate abiotic andbiotic stress more efciently with Cytocellthereby reducing damage and increasingyields.


Lateral growth & Enhanced reproductive process!

Direction for Use

Use 2 ml in 200 Litres (1: 100000) of water and apply for 1 Acre through foliar application in VegetableCrops. For Horticulture Crops use 4 ml in 200 Litres of water (1:50000). Depending upon the size ofthe plants use 200 to 400 Litres of water per acre.


Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight and heat.


Keep away from children. Glass ampoule handle with care.



Vitamin B3

Salicyclic Acid




% w/w






Stage wise Recommended Application



Interval in Stage to apply

1st Application via Foliar Spray

Branching Stage

Bud formation

2nd Application via Foliar Spray

Branching Stage

Repeat after 15 Days

3rd Application via Foliar Spray

Flowering Stage

Initiation of Flowering

4th Application via Foliar Spray

Flowering Stage

Full Bloom

5th Application via Foliar Spray

Flowering Stage

Pollen Tube Formation

6th Application via Foliar Spray

Flowering Stage

Initiation of Flowering

7th Application via Foliar Spray

Fruiting Setting

Initiation of Fruiting


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