Fruit Max 00-12-45
Fruitmax Fertilizer is a 00-12-45 Formula with High amounts ofPotassium. In terms of water and nutrient balance in plants, potassiumhas two major functions. It plays biochemical role in activation ofenzymes for production of proteins and sugars, while it also playsbiophysical function in maintaining turgor of cell and thus protectingwater content in plant. Potassium is a crucial macronutrient and mainelectrolytes in plants. Its requirement is higher than other mineralnutrients except for nitrogen, but some crops at their specific stagesdemand more potassium than nitrogen.Therefore, adequate potassiumfertilization is necessary for enhanced and improved yield andqualities of agricultural produce. This monovalent cation interactsboth antagonistically and synergistically with other nutrients. Trials intomato crops suggest, high levels of potassium have shown to increasefruit dry matter, total soluble solid content, and lycopeneconcentration of tomato.
250 gms
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What's Unique ?
Fruit Max is made from Food grade sources of Potassium andPhosphorous. It has a Neutral pH and high absorption rate andnutritive value as compared to other chemical sources of water-solublefertilizers. Fruit Max has such a high absorption rate that it is requiredonly 1/4th in the quantity as compared to other WSF products. As it isrequired only in 1/4th of the quantity as other WSF it has considerablysavings in the cost per application. Fortied with Sunraysia’sproprietary Co-factors, Fruit Max is a complete Nutrition package forHealthy, Nutritive Fruits that can fetch a more marketable value withits Colour, Shine and weight.