Steam Max
Steam max is a combination of Salicylic Acid and Vitamin B3. This combination helps in promoting the lateral growth of the plants by reducing apical dominance. Steam max also helps in cell division and increases the plants metabolism to produce more food. This energy is diverted to the more important functions of reproduction there by increasing Flowering, pollen tube formation and conversion to Fruits. Steam max is recommended to be used during the branching and reproductive stages of the plant’s life cycle. Salicylic acid also helps in increasing plants tolerance to wet weather conditions and diseases. When used in conjunction with Formula 1 it enhances the plants Flowering and fruit bearing capacity.
2 ml Glass Ampoule
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What's Unique ?
Steam max Formulation is a unique combination that helps in the lateral growth and reproductive process enhancement. There are less known biochemicals that can reduce apical dominance and divert energy for reproduction. Offered in 2 ml glass ampoule it helps in reducing the use of solvents there by reducing carbon footprint. It also offers a perfectly measured dose so that the results are uniform every time.