Black jack

Black Jack contains Phosphorous, Potassium, and Sunraysia’s Proprietary Co-factors that work synergistically to offer excellent quality and ROOT Health. Being in effervescent tablet form it readily dissolves in water while offering macronutrients and micronutrients to your crops. With Black Jack measured dose in Tablet form you do not have to measure the nutrients. Tablet ensures that your dose is correct for every application and offers you uniform results and uniform quality produce. Black Jack helps in increasing the ROOT mass of Plants thereby increasing the absorption and nutrition uptake in Plants. Unhealthy ROOTSystem cannot absorb and translocate nutrients to the plants, they also become susceptible to Nematodes and other soil-borne diseases. Phosphorous and Potassium not only provide nutrition to crops but also keeps the ROOTS healthy. A healthy ROOT System ensures faster absorption and translocation of water and nutrients to the plants, thereby increasing Productivity and Yields! Black Jack also improves the soil quality and fertility and provides essential Nutrition to Plants.


Every Tube contains 8 g x 10 Tablets

Stage Wise Recommended Application


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What's Unique ?

Being in effervescent tablet form it readily dissolves in water while offering nutrients to your crops. With Black Jacks measured dose in Tablet form you do not have to measure the nutrients. Tablet ensures that your dose is correct for every application and offers you uniform results and uniform quality produce. Black Jack is compact and therefore it considerably reduce the Storage, Handling and Transportation Cost.


Healthy Roots

With increased and healthier ROOTMass, plants capacity to uptake water and nutrients is significantly increased thereby aiding in superior growth and yields.

Increased Resistance

Plants are susceptible to Soil borne pathogens and fungal diseases. With healthier ROOT System the immunity is significantly increased against such diseases resulting in healthier plants that can produce bumper yields.

Soil Quality

Improved Soil porosity, aeration, water holding capacity and drainage greatly helps plants to penetrate and spread their ROOTS and uptake water and nutrients. Good Soil quality is also a home for friendly bacteria.


Effervescent Tablets

Direction for Use

Dissolve 10 Tablets in 200 Litres of water and apply through Drip irrigation or drenching near the ROOT Zone. For Small areas dissolve 1 tablet in 15 to 20 Litres of water.



Phosphorous (as P O )

Potassium (as K O)

% w/w



Stage wise Recommended Application



Interval in Stage to apply

1st Application via Drip/Drenching

Seedling Stage

After Transplanting / Bud Burst

2nd Application via Drip/Drenching

Growth Stage

Beginning of Shoot Growth

3rd Application via Drip/Drenching

Branching Stage

New Shoots and Branches

4th Application via Drip/Drenching

Flowering Stage

Initiation of Flowering

5th Application via Drip/Drenching

Flowering Stage

Full Bloom Period

6th Application via Foliar Spray

Fruit Setting

Fruit Setting begins

7th Application via Drip/Drenching

Fruit Sizing

Fruits starts enlarging

8th Application via Drip/Drenching

Fruit Ripening

Colour Begins to appear


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