Calcimax is a combination of Calcium, Magnesium and Nitrogen. Calcium is a secondary nutrient that is critical to crop development. It is needed in large amounts by all plants for the formation of cell wallsand cell membranes, and it plays a vital role in soil structure. Due to the immobility of calcium in the soil and plant tissues, a continuous supply must be present for plants to access. Calcium is only xylem mobile, meaning it can only move up the plant, and once in place, it cannot be remobilized and moved to new developing tissues. Calcium plays an extremely important role in producing plant tissues and enabling plants to grow better. Calcium is key to normal root system development. Calcium deficiency results in poor root growth and the root tips die. Shortage of Calcium makes the crop vulnerable to diseases. These diseases can include blossom end rot in tomatoes, tip burn in cabbage and black heart in celery. The external application of calcium has been reported to be beneficial for resistance of plants against pathogens. Another early study revealed the correlation between high calcium supply and the induction of defence gene expression. Magnesium is also a critical Secondary nutrient for plant growth and health. It is a key element of the chlorophyll molecule essential for photosynthesis. Magnesium gives leaves their green hue and activates most plant enzymes needed for growth while contributing to protein synthesis.


250 ml

Stage Wise Recommended Application


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What's Unique ?

Calcimax is a unique combination of Calcium, Nitrogen and Magnesium. Calcium can interfere in uptake of other nutrients, therefore the combination percentages are specially designed to ensure uptake of all nutrients and translocation of the same. Its unique combination of Nitrogen and Magnesium ensure optimum food production and formation of chlorophyll while Calcium helps in increasing the elasticity of fruits and strengthening the Cell walls. This helps in increasing the fruit size without cracking. This combination also helps in improving the Soil quality and structure while replenishing much needed Nitrogen in the Soil.



It is crucial in activating certain enzymes and to send signals that coordinate certain cellular activities. It serves as a second messenger in a variety of processes ranging from root or pollen tube growth and fertilization to responses to abiotic as well as biotic stress. Transient, sustained, or oscillatory rises in the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration thereby serve as a signal, which is decoded into downstream responses.

Chlorophyll Formation

Many enzymes in plant cells require magnesium in order to perform properly. However, the most important role of magnesium is as the central atom in the chlorophyll molecule. Chlorophyll is the pigment that gives plants their green color and carries out the process of photosynthesis. It also aids in the activation of many plant enzymes needed for growth and contributes to protein synthesis.

Soil Structure

The calcium that is adsorbed to soil particles helps in stabilizing the soil structure. Adsorbed sodium might cause the soil to crack when dry and swell up when wet. Calcium replaces the adsorbed sodium and prevents damages to soil structure. Soils with adequate amounts of calcium tend to be more friable and have better water infiltration properties. This is because calcium displaces sodium in the soil, and with adequate leaching irrigations, it can help improve overall soil quality.


Improves Soil, Cells And Fruits!

Direction for Use

For Vegetables use 250 ml / 200 Litres of water and apply minimum 200 Litres of water through foliar application per acre. For Application through Drip Irrigation: Use 500 ml in sufficient amounts of water and apply per acre. For Foliar application in Horticulture crops use 500 ml / 400 Litres of water and apply minimum 400 Litres of water / Acre. For Application through Drip Irrigation: Use 1 Litre in sufficient amounts of water and apply per acre.


Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight and heat.


Keep away from children.



Total Nitrogen (as N) (min)

Nitrate Nitrogen (min)

Calcium (as CaO) (min)

Magnesium (as MgO) (min)

Total Chloride as (Cl) (max)

pH (1% Solution)

% w/w






8 to 9

Stage wise Recommended Application



Interval in Stage to apply

1st Application via Drip Irrigation

Branching Stage

New Branches begin

2nd Application via Foliar Spray

Flowering Stage

Flowering initiation

3rd Application via Drip Irrigatio n

Flowering Stage

Pollen Tube Elongation

4th Application via Foliar Spray

Fruiting Stage

Fruit Setting

5th Application via Foliar Spray

Fruiting Stage

Fruit Size enlargement

6th Application via Drip Irrigation

Fruiting Stage

Fruit Maturity


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