
Sulfcal combines the two most essential secondary nutrients Sulphur and Calcium. Both these elements are essential for the growth and development of all crops. Sulfur helps in the formation of chlorophyll that permits photosynthesis through which plants produce starch, sugars, oils, fats, vitamins, and other compounds. It is associated with special metabolisms in plants and the structural characteristics of protoplasm. While Calcium is important for Cell wall Strengthening. Sulfur is critical to the development of healthy, nutritious crops but it also contributes to the efficiency of other nutrients. Proper sulfur levels are critical to the efficiency of other nutrients being applied. Sulfur is of great significance for the structure of proteins and functioning of enzymes and it plays an important role in the defense of plants against stresses and pests. Sulfur metabolites such as glutathione provide protection for plants against oxidative stress, heavy metals, and xenobiotics. Sulfcal improves crop quality, the nutritive value of produce, and protein and oil percentage in seeds.


250 ml

Stage Wise Recommended Application


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What's Unique ?

Sulfcal is made from Calcium thiosulfate. Unlike other Sulfur Fertilizers offer the benefit of being non-corrosive and non-hazardous to handle; It is also are well adapted to the methods used to apply fertilizer solutions. This liquid fertilizer is suitable for direct applications or blending, offering versatility to farmers. Combined with Calcium, it offers the benefit of applying two secondary nutrients in one application.


Protein Production

Sulphur is a constituent of three S-containing amino acids (cysteine, cystine, and methionine), which are the building blocks of protein. About 90% of plants is present in these amino acids.

Crop Quality & Yield

Sulphur deficiency can affect both the yield and quality of crops. Sulfcal can increase crop yields and quality and result in significant economic returns to producers. Use of Sulfcal demonstrates positive impact on yield, oil content, protein percentage, starch & nutritive value.


Sulphur and Calcium interact synergistically with other nutrients, their deficiency is just as detrimental as a deficiency in nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium.

Sulphur Deficiency Symptoms

Young leaves show chlorosis. Yellowing between the veins along the entire length of the leaves is seen especially in younger, upper leaves. Plants are smaller and lighter green in color than normal.Yellowing may occur in various plant parts. Growth is retarded and small fruits are produced. Stems become thin and woody. Plants have a bushy appearance. There is premature drying and withering of young leaves. Plants remain stunted with short internodes. The entire foliage appears pale green.


Non-corrosive & Non-Hazardous Sulphur Nutrient!

Direction for Use

For Vegetables use 250 ml for 200 Litres of water (1.25:1000)and apply through foliar application. For Horticulture Crops use 250 ml for 200 Litres of water. Use 200 to 400 Litres of water Depending upon the size of the plants. For soil application Use 500 ml / Acre of Land for Vegetable Crops and 1 Litre / Acre for Horticulture Crops.


Store in a cool and dry place away from directsunlight and heat


Keep away from children.



Sulphur as (S) min

Calcium as (Ca) min

Lead as (Pb) max

Arsenic as (As) max

Density at 25ºC: 1.22 – 1.26

% w/w





Stage wise Recommended Application



Interval in Stage to apply

1st Application via Foliar Spray

Growth Stage

Shoot Growth

2nd Application via Foliar Spray

Branching Stage

New Nodes begin to Form

3rd Application via Foliar Spray

Branching Stage

Lateral Growth

4th Application via Foliar Spray

Flowering Stage

Initiation of Flowering

5th Application via Foliar Spray

Flowering Stage

Full Bloom

6th Application via Foliar Spray

Fruit Setting

Initiation of Fruiting


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